Sunday, May 1, 2016

Rev Paul's Annual Report for 2016

ONCE again the last 12 months have been really en­couraging – a lot has been achieved and I would like to record my thanks to everyone who has in any way moved the parish forward.

One of the joys of the last 12 months was starting our monthly open door worship which was set up to welcome local people who may not have church backgrounds. For that reason it is informal and allows people to share in table talks and enjoy simply-led worship. My thanks go to all who have helped make this work possible.

Nurturing the children has been a vital part of our work over the last several years. We have been changed by their presence and they have grown in the faith.

The children’s activities continue in Messy Church and Mum’s & Tots, and my thanks go to all who have played a part in this work.

I would like to say a personal thanks to Kath Lang and her team for all she does with the children on a Sunday. The Sunday Voyagers have developed over the last year and I pray that will continue.

We owe a great vote of thanks for all who work with the children and especially the team, led by Peter Ham and Jane Langley in Messy church. Messy Church is very people-intensive and together with those mention­ed there is yet another team, including those who help in the kitchen So you can see why we should be very thankful for all who give their time and make a difference to the faith lives of local children.

Our relationship with Holy Trinity School remains strong and continues to bear fruit. We have seen regular Communion services in school and the confirmation of some of the older children. It is always a joy to welcome the children and staff into the church for special school assemblies.
This last 12 months have seen increasing work with the local Air Training Corps. I am in process of becoming their chaplain and, together with the Lifeboat crew, to whom I continue to be chaplain, we strengthen our outreach into all aspects of our community. One of the joys of ministry is to see members of the church grow in their walk with the Lord and this coming year we will see both Jill Rawcliffe and Ruth Calcott become licensed as pastoral worker and reader in the parish.

This is a great step forward and it is also wonderful to see Peter Ham continue on his path to becoming a reader in the parish. Training is vital if we are to grow, not only as a parish but in a much wider sense. Last year we had Mark Turner on placement and we played a little part in his journey towards ordination.

I would also like to acknowledge the help and support I receive from the Rev’d John Harrison who has become a trusted friend and colleague.

Last year too was significant in being Carron Jones’s final year as churchwarden. I know you would all want me to thank her for everything she has done for the parish and particularly in steering the parish through an interregnum.

We also bid farewell to Jeff Kernigan after many faithful years as verger. No one knows the history of the graveyard better and we are very thankful for all he has done and in passing over all his knowledge to Carron who has taken on some of that work.

Once again the PCC and standing committee have been exceptional in their support and together we have been able to complete the planning for our new heating system and so much more.

As time has passed the need for administration support has gone through the roof and my grateful thanks to Jill for keeping the office open at least three afternoons a week.

There have been many events of the past year, too many to name, but I think I should mention yet another successful Christmas tree festival and of course we look forward to a flower festival later this year. We also owe a great deal of thanks to Rob Shannon and the choir, who have helped fill this church with music and praise and led our worship so beautifully. These events don’t happen without a huge amount of work and I am very grateful to all those who organise our special events which raise money for the parish but more importantly bring people into this wonderful house of prayer.

Other new initiatives this year have been our Pearls group and Mothers’ Union.

A big thanks to Liz Roberts and Nancy Fraser for making our new Easter banners to add to our collect­ion. All in all, I hope you will agree there is a lot going on and we must not forget the unseen work of the church – our wonderful website administered by Nigel Hall; the group who tend the garden led by Peter Surridge; all Chris Page does as sacristan; those who clean the brass, arrange the flowers and clean; the ongoing care that Liz Ardus takes over running the Church Centre; our baptism and teams; Pat Bennington, who faithfully takes out home Communion; Peter Surridge for all he does with the Weekly Beacon; George Dafnis and Mel White, who deal with planned giving and finances and keep us solvent. It takes a lot of people to keep the show on the road …. Thank you


Your friend, Rev’d Paul
ACPM : 24 April 2016

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