Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Vicar's Two Penn'orth for June 2014

For where two or three are gathered
in my name, there am I among them.
Matthew 18:20

ooking out from my study, I can see all the preparations going on in readiness for the Open golf champion­ship. It is amazing just how much thought and planning is in play. I have every sympathy with them – it is a huge task.
Here at St Hildeburgh’s we, too, are in the middle of preparation for our Prayer Labyrinth based on the golf course. It has been an incredible journey for the team, who have not only met regularly but spent hours and hours in preparing the floor mat, the tables, the many items that will be used for reflection, the production of images for the overhead projector and in the writing of the booklet. It doesn’t stop there; there is publicity to organise and so much more.

have lost count of how many people have been involved from the planning stage to bring us to where we are today. This really has been a team effort and worthy of much praise. It has been great to see so much fun and working together and of course this is what a church should be about.

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10

n another subject I would like to say how great it was to have so many at our last Family Praise service. This is clearly an area of church life we all must support. Our links with Holy Trinity School are strong and also with our Mums & Tots group. Many of the families are finding their way to our Family Praise service and getting to know us better.
We have to work hard to help these new families to settle and continue to be as welcoming as we can. Their voices mean the church is alive and becoming more relevant to local people, the people we are called to serve.
The introduction of the puppets and having the screen has also been a move in the right direction and ensuring the worship is accessible to the children and people of all ages.
he church is a family. We might not all like each other’s tastes in music and hymns but, providing we get the balance right, we can all enjoy both learning new songs and also singing old favourites. The future is exciting and I look forward in joining in with what God wants for us.
Let’s thank God for his goodness and pray for his continuing blessing on the parish and all our community.

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:1-3

Your friend,
Rev’d Paul

Seventh Sunday of Easter: 1 June 2014

Christian Aid Week 2014: We raise £900!


Rejoicing and thanks from Sheila Waring,
St Hildeburgh's Christian Aid co-ordinator,
after a tough but rewarding week

The busiest time of my year is over and the results of our efforts have been tremendous.
The lead-up to Christian Aid is always somewhat stressful – not the work entailed in packaging up the envelopes, but the apprehension that we will not have enough volunteers for distribution. I shouldn’t have worried for many willing members of St Hildeburgh’s stepped up to the line and once again all Christian Aid envelopes flooded our area in Hoylake.
Some were dispirited with the results of their labours, but who knows how many people who weren’t in when we called for their contribution; had given by the various alternatives listed on the literature, such as mobiles or  internet; or given to the Christian volunteers in Morrison’s collecting donations in their bucket?
Believe me our efforts were not in vain. We flew our standard of loving, caring Christians and met the wonderful residents of Hoylake.
I am staggered at the amount we have collected so far. In cash we have £542.26 and in cheques £210, totalling £752.26. If we take into consideration the money Gift Aided at 20% that adds around an extra £78, giving us an aggregate of £830.26! As Rev’d Paul would say, ”How amazing is that?”
I would like to thank Bob and Marjorie Elder, Brian Waring, Ray Dent, Win Prebble, Joan Pownall-Jones, Norman Gorst, Anthony Shone, Viv Nash, Eric Roberts, Val Hall, Pat Bennington, Margaret Wright, Margaret Fairgrieve, Val Howell and Carron Jones for their help, and hope they will be up for it again next year.

-Sheila Waring

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Annual Ladies' Guild Coffee Morning - Saturday 31 May 2014

Why not join us for the Annual Ladies' Guild Coffee Morning and help us fund the floral decorations in 
St Hildeburgh's Parish Church?

Saturday 31 May 2014
10.30am to 12.00 Noon

St Hildeburgh's Church Centre
(behind the church, Stanley Road, Hoylake)

Cake, Book, Gift, Bring & Buy Stalls 
plus Raffle and Tombola.

Entrance £1.50 .... unlimited coffee and biscuits!